Her guidance and input over the last few years has been instrumental in our work. Without her backing, projects such as the Home Information Pack, which she developed from its Prescottian beginnings, against the spirited opposition of the entire property industry, to its current iconic status as a White Elephant, would have been forgotten.
She has been tireless in her support of concepts which we adore. Replacing Trident with another prestigious, albeit expensive, deterrent to aggressive moves by Belgian and Andorran regional expansionists; introducing identity cards to ensure that terrorists are encouraged to identify themselves; and the introduction of biofuels, which will ensure that food prices are maintained at a high level (which will benefit farmers and supermarkets) as most arable land will be turned over to growing crops for fuel production. Most recently, she has championed a third runway at Heathrow, which we have always insisted is a necessary pre-requisite for a fourth runway.
She will be sorely missed here, where she was a frequent visitor and a mentor to our staff.